The Alysian


Organic worm cultivation from The Alysian is the pride of regional products that are processed naturally and traditionally by Indonesian farmers and using natural ingredients that have been selected and high quality for the needs of pharmaceuticals, beauty and super food for animal feed in traditional market.

Vision and Mission of The Alysian


Making organic worm products The Alysian is one of the pride of Indonesia’s traditional natural products

Vision and Mission The Alysian


  • Producing organic processed natural worms with the best quality and supported by nature and professional traditional farmers.
  • Leading in research and innovation of natural worms organic


Company Legal Name



Company Brand



Company Address


Jl. MGR Sugiono. No 19-21 RT/RW: 100/100, Kidul Dalem , Kec Klojen kota Malang Jawa Timur 420420

Company Email


Contact Person


Bilqis Fatima

Phone Number



Number Of Employe


Direct = 3, Indirect = 3

Product Area



Showroom Area



Production Capacity/Month


1000kg - 4000kg

Alysian was established in 2021 as manufacturing company focus on processes organic worm cultivation, it has been selected by our traditional high integrity farmers, good personalities and the best in their fields.

We are also very proud to use Indonesia’s natural resources as products that reflect the identity of our product character, by using fertile soil, far from waste or harmful chemicals, So we produce the best high quality worms, In the production process we also use conventional methods by our best farmers, here are the advantage of our organic worms products, Starting from the best choice of materials, we also manage it by naturally


An Excellent Product is a product that excels in quality, performance, and the value it offers. It exhibits the following characteristics

Production process

Using 100% conventional process by our traditional farmers


We use existing natural resources, starting from fertile soil which is far from chemical and our production is also influenced by the rainy season whichis it will increase as much if it is rainy season

Product quality

Our worms product have a protein more than 60% higher than cow protein so they can be used as a basic ingredient for cosmetics, medicines, pharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical chemicals and even as a feed mixture for all types of animals

There are many types of worms but for humans, animals and plants only our type "Lumbricus"

for example:
Our organic worm products can be safely consumed as medicine to humans
As a food companion to chickens to produce omega 3 in chicken eggs
Protein in worms can also strengthen bones in birds


Waranty safe packing and if there is broken product we will replace

Core Business Process of Alysian